The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
Here is your first sneak peak inside "Margaritaville."
Class is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th 6 to 8:30 or Friday, July, 17th 10:30 to 1. Please call Scrapbooks, Etc. to sign-up at 480-854-2303. Don't forget that once a month you may take 15% off any a class -- just remind the sales associate to apply the discount.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them.
The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.
Here is your first sneak peak inside "Margaritaville."
Class is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th 6 to 8:30 or Friday, July, 17th 10:30 to 1. Please call Scrapbooks, Etc. to sign-up at 480-854-2303. Don't forget that once a month you may take 15% off any a class -- just remind the sales associate to apply the discount.
As always... after class, any extra class kits will be up for sale in my on-line stores.